He said his administration is continuing talks with legislative leaders to move forward on a bill when they return to Capitol Hill Wednesday. 他说,他的政府在继续和立法部门领导人会谈,等他们星期三回到国会后推动法案的通过。
The Legislative Yuan approved the budget bill yesterday morning. 立法院昨天早上通过了这项预算案。
The Legislative Council has set up a Bills Committee to examine the bill. 立法会已成立法案委员会审议该条例草案。
The act of referring a legislative bill to committee. 将立法议案交归委员会的行动。
According to him," This concurrent passage is the end of legislative activities to make the Bill into law. " 据他说,“一致通过标志着立法活动的终结,使这项法案成为法律。”
In regard to the legislative style the author deems it acceptable to refer to the legislative style adopted in the Geneva Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note law. 在立法模式上,笔者认为可以借鉴《日内瓦统一汇票、本票法》中空白票据的立法模式。
By the end of the year, the Legislative Council had almost completed its scrutiny of the bill. 二零零一年年底,立法会已差不多完成审议工作。
After being passed by the legislative assembly, a bill goes to the upper house for further discussion. 在立法会议通过后,议案交上院作进一步讨论。
A heading that names a statute or legislative bill; gives a brief summary of the matters it deals with. 一则法规的标题;给出了该法规的简短摘要。
In March, the Government announced a series of legislative reforms for the securities and futures market, to be enshrined in the composite Securities and Futures Bill. 政府在一九九九年三月公布一系列证券及期货市场的法例改革,改革建议会载于《证券及期货综合条例草案》。
A bills committee was formed by the Legislative Council in March that year to consider the bill and the public submissions on it. 立法会于同年三月成立法案委员会,审议这条条例草案以及市民就草案提交的意见书。
A clause, usually having little relevance to the main issue, that is added to a legislative bill. 附加条款,附文:加于立法法案上的条款,通常和主要条款很少有关联。
In the author's opinion, the non-professional excessive effectiveness-oriented legislative idea and the over-planned legislation behind plus the resulted neglect and refusal of the "select""eliminate" function of the bill system are the main reasons. 笔者认为,在这种现象背后代表的非职业化、过分追求效率的立法思路以及立法工作的强计划性以及由此而导致的对立法议案制度选择和淘汰功能的无视和排斥是其产生的重要原因。
At last, this article gives some legislative proposes on the consignee and the holder of Bill of Lading. 最后,本文提出了关于提单持有人和收货人的立法建议,这也正是这篇论文的目的所在。
The second part describes the historical development of protection of personal information and international legislative developments. This part also introduces the Canadian Bill C-27 and the rules about protection of personal information of the French Penal Code emphatically. 第二个部分介绍个人信息保护的基本内容及历史发展,着重介绍了加拿大C-27号法案和法国刑法关于公民个人信息的刑事保护制度。
Substantially, it can be divided for countries of common law system and Geneva unified bill law country two legislative cases. But the validity of endorsement of overdue bill are the same. 票据立法对于票据期后背书内涵的各国界定不尽相同,大体上可分为英美法系国家和日内瓦统一票据法系国家两种立法例。